Paul or (Pau1<numeral one when needed by an account to differentiate) loves all things space since childhood but has been disappointed with the rate of which it has been explored by all earthkind working togather as a whole. Paul has always liked the idea of starting with Mars, so when SpaceX showed up on the scene talking about going to mars his heart quickened. He has followed SpaceX eversince and enjoys SpaceX launches and its goals.
Paul is a regular lurker and irregular chatter on the LabPadre YT stream. Paul lurks unseen alot but enjoys real conversations and gets involved when he has somthing to say, but tries to keep out of stupid talk as is arises. Paul regularly reports and blocks spammers and users who repeatedly spam stupid or things against the chat rules.
When launch day comes our hearts will quake, as we see the camera shake, and the engines gravity does negate. -- All I can do to make a rhyme, but Sasha Rules